yay~ beware of randomness to all of my readers....er. reading this at the current moment. first post. new to me, gonna try to keep this as a routine..(posting often...) anyways. i just want you ppl to know some stuffz about me. im chinese...and proud of it. even though i like the US so much better since i grew up there. *note the perfect english* (im just too lazy to have correct spelling and grammer cuz. wtf. its online anyways. if i have to type properly online as well, the wtf...might as well hang myself right now) ok. so....i really like manga, anime. i know a lot. but just too lazy to list it out. bands i like. eh. definitely DBSK. love the song "Hug" (jae joong looks so hot in the mv) and their dramas..especially "dangerous love" i love the part in the fanfic where jj is against the phone booth. (im a sadist) >D lol. so cute. im ur typical fangirl but i try not to be cuz some fangirls are just plain violent and not nice. (thought im not saying that im not. im not perfect. note the tainted) lol. ok...im rambling. didnt i warn you?
I LOVE HORROR MOVIES!!! i like screaming. makes me feel refreshed. dunno why lol. i over-react and when im hyper, i talk 100 words per second. just elaborating.
i really really love linkin park....marilyn manson...just not his mv's..the lyrics? love it. anyways....also...hmm wat else...omfg. how could i forget. GACKT. my friend gave me the gackt fan disease *glares at person held responsible*
meh...cough...anyways.....moving on. i love to collect and save 100 by 100 avatars. i have a million of them in my computer. i am a drawing freak. still trying to improve. my other friend. (who is not responsible for passing on the Gackt fan disease) is a great artist. i totally envy her and i am also learning from her.
lalala. i am an evil mastermind. hahaha. watch out....well, only for my classmates. ppl call me emo. i kick them. they deserve to die cuz i hate labels. they are not nice and a person can be more than that. ok..geez. long post. sigh.i would love to have you all comment ^^ and dbsk fans out there, add me as a friend onegaishimas~ ^^ (i speak a little japanese but yea, i know DBSK is a korean boy band. but who the hell cares.)
thats about me. any more questions? love to answer them for u ppl to know more about me. and i will keep u ppl updated on my life, my thoughts and my love.
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